Kuan-Lun Wang's Homepage
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There's nothing absolute about people.
If it exists, I'll become a mad believer.
---Chrome Shelled
Regios : Volume1 Chapter4
Ph. D. Candidate (Persent) ,
Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering ,
College of
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science ,
Taiwan University ,
M. S. (2017) ,
Department of Applied
Mathematics ,
College of
Science ,
National Chiao
B. S. (2015) ,
Department of
Mathematics ,
College of
Science ,
University of
Senior High School (2011) ,
Nanshan High
Junior High School (2008) ,
New Taipei
Junior High School
Elementary School (2005) ,
New Taipei
Municipal Zhonghe District
Elementary High School
Much of his current work involves conducting structural change analysis and co-integration test of the
finite order vector autoregressive process and estimating the probability of mean reversion.
Such methods are important in a variety of applications, including economic indicators and hedging.
One such application is index funds being tied to indexes with very low costs and risks.
Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (undergraduate level):
Linear Regression (undergraduate level):
Sample Size
hour, ver. 4, updated 03/01/18)
Number of Features (1 hour, updated 03/05/18)
Time Series (undergraduate level):
Software Engineering Design (graduate level, 2017 Autumn)
Head First Design Patterns
Sample Code in MATLAB
The Template Method Pattern
Information Theory and Coding Technique (graduate level, 2018 Spring, Full
Prof. Ja-Ling
Wu ):
Python 初階證券交易分析 (undergraduate level)
Python 初階配對交易 (undergraduate level, course
page )
Python 初階複合設計模式 (undergraduate level, course
page )
Computer Vision (graduate level, 2018 Fall, Full Prof. Chiou-Shann
Fuh ):
[1 ,
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(updated 12/10/18)
Speech :
Children's literature
Youth literature